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Thursday, August 2, 2012

The 3rd round of Korean responses (10 Korean medias' reports) to the controversy on "Evolution vs. Creationism in Korean high-school Science Texts.

진화론 논란 관련 국내 10개 매스컴의 반응 목록

The 3rd round of Korean responses (10 Korean medias' reports) to the controversy on "Evolution vs. Creationism in Korean high-school Science Texts.

지난 2012년 6월 5일에 저명한 과학 학술지 [네이쳐]지는 다음 기사를 실었다.

“South Korea surrenders to creationist demands: Publishers set to remove examples of evolution from high-school textbooks.“ (by Soo Bin Park)

To the issues raised above, the 3rd round of Korean responses (10 Korean media reports) are listed below:

여기에서 거론된 문제들에 대하여 한국 내의 매스컴들은 조금 뒤늦었지만 반응을 보였다. 나는 이 반응들을 제3차 반응이라고 부르고, 아래에 그 기사들 사이트를 열거하려 한다.
이 열거된 순서는 아래 사이트의 순서를 따랐다.

- The order of the listing follows that of the next site (; as of 10 AM, June 20, 2012) : -

- The general tones of the Korean media's reports are pointing, I presume, to the Creationists' reasoning fallacies in denying the whole, by discussing faults in some minor details.

- All texts are in Korean.
각 사이트의 내용은 모두 한글이다

* The title headings in English of each report are generated by me.
The authors might have somewhat different headings in their minds.)


The 10 Korean media reports ==>


[1]. "Deletion of avian ancestor Archaeopteryx in high-school Science texts entails many problems"; the 86% of the 1,474 Korean researchers in biological fields interviewed said so. They are in favor of Evolution.
"시조새, 교과서 삭제 문제있다" 86%
[생물학 전공 1474명 설문]
교진추 "진화론 내용 삭제" 청원 출판사 6곳 삭제·수정 방침에
고생물학회도 19일 반박문 내 美언론 보도로 해외서도 화제
- Korean Newspaper: HankookIlBo report (The Korea Times)

[2]. The opinion of the Korean Society of Biology is: "Deletion of avian ancestor Archaeopteryx in high-school Science texts is problematic.
생물학계 "과학교과서 시조새 삭제는 문제 있어"
- 매일경제 MK News
- Korean Newspaper, MK Business News

[3]. Evolution: Science or Ideology?
[집중진단] 진화론은 과학? 이념?
KBS TV 2012. 06. 19. 저녁 9시뉴스 중
June 19, 2012, 20:00 TV News report
-Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) TV News report (June19,2012,20:00)

[4]. A controversy on avian ancestor Archaeopteryx
[집중진단] 진화론은 과학? 이념?…‘시조새’ 교과서 논쟁
-Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) TV News report (June 19, 2012, 20:00)

[5]. 88% of the 1278 Korean Biologists say "Deleting evolution from high-school Science texts is problematic
생물학연구자 1278명 “진화론 삭제는 문제”
“출판사 임의 수정 부적절” 88% “교과서에 포함돼야”
- 서울신문 2012. 06. 20
- Korean Newspaper; Seoulshinmoon ;

[6]. 9 out of 10 Korean Life Scientists agreed to, "[Evolution](theory) should be included in the high-school Science texts." No! To the deletion of information on avian ancestor.
- The results of the questionnaire interviews of 1474 Korean Life Science researchers // - 2012-06-19 10:41
생명과학 전공자 10명 중 9명 “진화론, 과학교과서에 포함돼야”
10중 7명 “교과서에서 시조새 빼면 안돼”
BRIC, 관련 분야 회원 1474명 대상 설문
-코레아 헤랄드 , Korean Newspaper; The Korea Herald

[7]. Korean Life Science researchers view, "Deletion of avian ancestor from high-school Science Texts is problematic because experts in the fields were not consulted."
- BRIC (Biological Research Information Center, POSTECH) interviewed (via e-mails) 1474 Korean Life Science researchers (86% responded)
생명과학 연구자 86%, "과학교과서 '시조새 삭제' 절차 문제"
BRIC, 진화론 관련 설문 조사 발표해
-교수신문 ; 윤상민 기자
Korean Newspaper ; Korean Newspaper for Professors, 'Kyosushinmoon'

[8]. [Column]; Avian ancestor flied; Korean politics with religion was a mess, and now comes 
another trouble, education with religion.
[분수대] 시조새가 날아갔다 종교와 정치도 말썽인데 이번엔 종교와 교육이다
[중앙일보] 입력 2012.06.19 00:00 / 수정 2012.06.19 00:00
- Korean Newspaper, "JoongAng Ilbo' / 2012.06.19

[9]. A controversy on avian ancestors in high-school Science Texts
고교 교과서 시조(始祖)새 논쟁
- 이길성 기자 // - 조선일보
- Korean Newspaper, 'Chosunilbo

[10]. Looking at the on-going controversy on deleting 'Evolution' in high-school Science texts.
- a column article by Dr. Hong. S-o.,/ in [Dong-A Science], a Science Webzine run by Dong-A Ilbo, a Korean Newspaper / June 16. 2012
- (Dr. Sung-ook Hong was a Professor, Philosophy of Science History, University of Toronto)
[동아광장/홍성욱] ‘교과서에 실린 진화론 삭제 논란을 보며’
-동아일보 웹진 [사이언스 (The Science)] 2012년 06월 16일에 실린 기사

*- Compiled by Jung-Mo Lee: (, / 2012. 06.20.
*- JML’s comment about the issue : (

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